Kontento Social Media Management - Digital Marketing Agency Bali


Instagram Management

So you have created an Instagram Business Account and force yourself to post occasionally (because everyone say you have to). On the other hand, you still have multiple operational and finance tasks to juggle.

Worst of all, the time you spent creating content on Instagram doesn’t seem to resonate with your target customers and have any impact on sales and brand awareness.

Here’s the good news:

You can watch your sales, brand awareness, and community grow while continuing to run your business and do what you love.

That’s where we come in.

Check out our full solutions for Instagram Management Service below:

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Instagram Management Service

Kontento Instagram Management - Digital Marketing Agency Bali

Reach Optimization

  • Daily Quality Posting
  • Hashtags Curation
  • Target Commenting
Kontento Instagram Management - Digital Marketing Agency Bali

Brand Development

  • Content Production
  • Caption Copywriting
  • DM Inquiry Correspondence
Kontento Instagram Management - Digital Marketing Agency Bali

Adapting to Market

  • Monthly KPI Reporting
  • Quarterly Analysis
  • Viral Trend Adaptation


Daily Quality Posting

According to Union Metric studies, major brands post in average 1.5 times a day.

So, as long as we consistently follow the same rule, we would be doing good on Instagram?

Not really. While consistency is one of the most important factors in Instagram Algorithm, the quality of each post will play a more significant role in determining your success in Instagram. It’s important you never post for the sake of posting. If the quality of your content declines, so will your engagement and followers.

Not only we will make sure to consistently ensure the frequency of posting, we ensure that each post will have the quality that create connection to your targeted audience.

Daily Posting: Kontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency


Hashtag Curation

The rules of hashtags has changed over the years and most strategies are no longer work as effectively as before.

Here’s the good news: Appropiate Instagram hashtags are still an effective way to get more Instagram followers or increase your engagement.

With the introduction of Shadowbanning and Hashtag Follow features, a new strategy for hashtag need to be implemented on your Instagram Business Account.

Our approach in Instagram Management will incorporate the rolling use of related different hashtags for each of the posts.

Also Read: How We Find the Right Hashtags for Your Business (Coming Soon)

Hashtag Curation: Kontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency


Target Commenting

Get this: There are over 25 millions Instagram Business accounts in 2019. Even if you have implemented a good hashtag strategies, there is still a big chance that most of your target audience would not see your content ever.

Due for this reason, we manually identify your target potential customers and the places that they might be posting their contents.

Upon discovering their contents, we craft comments that relatable to their content and introduce your products (soft selling of course).

Target Commenting: Kontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency


Content Production

This is so obvious but lots of businesses seem to ignore the quality of photos and videos that are posted on Instagram.

A blurry photo can make your audience to swipe back in a second. A high quality photo looks sharp and inviting. It makes them want to DOUBLE TAP and browse through the rest of your Instagram feed. Thus prolonging their attention span of your brand.

Your feed is the face and personality of your business. It is crucial to make sure that the Instagram content that showcase your personality is likeable to your audience. Which is why it is important to get that right.

Our account managers will help to make you a visually appealing Instagram feed.

Content Production: Kontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency


Caption Copywriting

Don’t you just hate it when you had bring in a professional photographer and managed to snap some of the most enticing photos of your products / brand BUT no one seems to like or comment on it?

Here is the secret:

Compelling Instagram captions will add context to your photos and show off your brand’s personality, entertain the audience and encourage people to take action. This will allow Instagram algoritm to show your contents to even more related people outside your followers’ circle.

For this reason, our team has been equipped with the skills to craft engaging caption which will helps our clients in Instagram.

Also read: How to Write a Killer Caption for Instagram in 2019 (Coming soon)

Content Copywriting: : Kontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency


DM Inquiry Correspondence​

Instagram Direct Message is the fastest and easiest way for your customer to ask questions or express their frustrating experience during their visit to your business or using your products.

Regardless the reasons, it is crucial for business owners to answers the DM as soon as it arrives. An unanswered enquiry leads to loss in purchase intentions, while an unanswered complaint may lead to rage reviews on the internet.

Our team offers customer service relation on your Instagram DM and will work together with your to answer each inquiries as soon as possible.

Direct Message Enquiry: Kontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency


Monthly KPI Reporting

Deep down you know it is important to measure how your Instagram effort measure against your business goals. But you just don’t have the time to extract the data one by one and just hope that your Instagram will are doing alright.

Let us clarify the importance of KPI reports: with it you will be able to shift your less performing efforts to a better strategy which will bring in more engagement and purchase conversion.

Unlike any other agency that only measure the amount of Follower Growth, we provide extremely detailed monthly detail KPI Reporting for each of the contents that we posted and the performance of your Business account in general.

KPI Reporting: Kontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency


Quarterly Analysis

Obviously, a KPI Report will not be valuable without the ability to analyse each of the parameters measured.

Our Campaign-based approach will compare each of the KPIs and perform conclusions to direct our future campaigns. Meetings with your board and teams will ensure that our campaign will reach its fullest potential.


Viral Trend Adaptation

Do you remember the Kiki Challenge or the 10 Years Challenge that are viral in 2018? These viral campaigns drive extremely high traffic to Instagram accounts when done right. Apart from that, our audience will see your business is more human and less corporate, thus creating more trust and loyalty for the brand.

We help identify these trends earlier and adjust our campaigns to include this trend on our content creation.

Viral Content: Viral Content: ontento Instagram Management Service Bali Digital Marketing Agency

Ready to Get Started?

Let’s talk about how to make your business stays relevant in today’s fast-paced Digital World. Leave a message to our team now!

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